Monday, August 24, 2009

Sleepytime Rhyme by Remy Charlip

This is one of the earliest books I read to my kids. It is a simple rhyming story of a parent's love of their child.
I love you. I think you're grand. There's none
like you in all the land.

Each page lists parts that the parent loves: hair, head, chin and so on. In my house, and despite the peaceful vibe, we always ended with tickling. Some of the rhymes get a little labored, but that's OK with us, we just tickle through the occasional awkward spot.

The illustrations are simple, most likely pastel and watercolor, and convey a sense of peace and joy between parent and child. On each page there is the human parent child pair and out the window behind, another pair: clouds, the sun, mountains.

Next time you are at the library, pick this one up and you are guaranteed a good snuggle when you read to me tonight.

First Post

I started this blog to share my love of children's literature. I am fascinated with the beauty of picture books and the cadence of a good story.

When I was in college, I studied art history. I loved the detail of an illustrated manuscript and the deceptive simplicity of Ellsworth Kelly. I loved the saturated color of Georgia O'Keefe and the play of space and void in Jean Arps.

On my own I have been a voracious and omnivorous reader. Everything from Nora Roberts and Daniel Silva to Ernest Hemmingway and Don DeLillo -- the only catch being there needs to be a compelling story.

After college I pursued other areas for my career, only to be blindsided by the beauty of picture books when my kids were born.

So now that things are settling down on the home front and I am starting to explore children's literature from a professional view, it seemed like it was time to write about what I love.

Here's what a reader can expect: reviews of books I love from picture books to manga to novels for pre-teens, thoughts on why children's literature matters and an emphasis on the art of the picture book.

I hope you read and enjoy my posts and that you leave with a greater appreciation of what your kids are reading.